Schedule a Session:

Walking with Intention

Following the path to self and spirit



For centuries, firewalking has been revered as a sacred ritual, a profound journey of courage and transformation. Stepping barefoot across glowing embers, participants confront their fears, shatter limiting beliefs, and awaken to their inner strength and resilience.

We offer the transformative experience of firewalking as a powerful tool for healing and empowerment. Guided by experienced facilitators, our firewalking sessions create a safe and supportive environment for you to explore the depths of your being and emerge renewed and empowered.

Beyond the physical act of walking on fire, firewalking is a symbolic journey—a metaphor for overcoming obstacles and transcending limitations. As you traverse the fiery path, you release old patterns, fears, and doubts, making space for new possibilities and growth.

Whether you're seeking to conquer your fears, break through barriers, or simply reconnect with your inner fire, our firewalking workshops offer a transformative experience like no other. Step boldly into the flames and discover the limitless potential that lies within you.

Glass Walking

In the realm of transformative rituals, few experiences match the profound intensity and focus of glass walking. As participants step barefoot across a bed of shattered glass, they confront their deepest fears and doubts, emerging stronger, more resilient, and empowered.

We offer the unique opportunity to engage in the ancient practice of glass walking as a pathway to healing and personal growth. Guided by skilled facilitators, our glass walking sessions create a sacred space for you to delve into the depths of your being and discover untapped reservoirs of strength and courage.

Unlike the swift intensity of firewalking, glass walking unfolds as a slow, deliberate journey—a testament to mindfulness and inner focus. With each step, you are invited to cultivate a profound sense of presence, releasing old wounds and limitations as you navigate the shards beneath your feet.

Beyond its physical challenges, glass walking is a symbolic act—a powerful metaphor for transcending obstacles and embracing transformation. As you navigate the jagged terrain, you reclaim your power and emerge renewed, ready to embrace the limitless possibilities that await.

Whether you seek to conquer your fears, overcome self-doubt, or simply reconnect with your inner resilience, our glass walking workshops offer a transformative experience that resonates on both a physical and spiritual level. Step bravely onto the path of glass and unlock the boundless potential that resides within you.